Culinary Meditation™
Sustains Sobriety

Self-actualization lets us grow into the roles of our lives -- it starts in the kitchen

"Dedicating time in the kitchen is similar to scheduling an invigorating walk or any exercise known to clear your mind. It takes muscle to change a mindset, strengthen core resolve while cooking a challenging recipe."
Jane Fox
author, The Hungry Mother
find your direction compass
culinary meditation

Cooking can be a calming force—washing, peeling, and chopping vegetables allows the mind to drift. Pre-occupation and multi-tasking clear an emotional space, free-floating and unencumbered.  Feelings come into focus and others fade into the background, creating a state called- culinary meditation™.

The ritual of food preparation offers a quiet time for contemplation, a sanctuary for thought. Daily routines evolve into rituals reinforcing a sacred time and space for understanding what’s important in life. By giving pause we can sort out the daily dilemmas of a sober life. 

Culinary activities restore confidence and self-esteem, a springboard to connecting with others. Simple interests, close at hand, bring a steady hum of satisfaction— from mastering a new recipe or making a home-cooked meal for friends—the joy is there for the taking.

Recovery Grants Freedom --- Hungry Mothers™ are ready to move in a new direction!

In seasoned sobriety, we take healthy risks to discover passions, social consciousness, and a higher calling.

helping women find new paths

The natural maturity and wisdom that substance abuse interrupted returns to us. It’s the spark — a robust energy for whatever we tackle or tickles our fancy.

Cultivating interests and hobbies bring us into the world— eventually growing into a new role, a woman with interests, an interesting woman.

Visualize your sobriety timeline from abstinence to early recovery, seasoned sobriety, and finally self-actualizationyour new destination.

Consult with The Hungry Mother

Sober moms have a true advantage....
courage and the capacity to manage uncertainty.

Jane Fox,CRPA

Certified Recovery Peer Advocates(CRPA)use their unique skill set and life experience, to co-create short-term, achievable goals with clients.

Now that you are sober, Jane’s coaching expands those skills and that discipline to enjoy life to the fullest— you’ve earned it!

Re-discover past hobbies and interests that make you smile, inside out.  Focus on easily accessible activities from nurturing a sport to mastering a craft, honing a hobby or nature/city walks in all weather. 

Working together, we’ll craft a plan to become the woman, mother, and grandmother you always hoped to be.